Sander Harrewijnen
Hey, my name is Sander Harrewijnen. I write things on my blog here about software engineering practices, cloud-native things, programming, gaming and other (mostly nerdy) stuff. Enjoy!
Hey, my name is Sander Harrewijnen. I write things on my blog here about software engineering practices, cloud-native things, programming, gaming and other (mostly nerdy) stuff. Enjoy!
Some works I've written or helped write.
Unlock Enhanced Software Development with Modern Strategies: Learn how to smartly scale using balanced teams, agile methods, and automation. Discover the key to streamlined success by centralizing knowledge. Join us on this transformative journey! Find out more in our comprehensive guide. Download it here
If you want to grow as an organisation and be in a position to help your clients quickly, it is increasingly important to make technology a priority. When you consider applications, you know there’s a considerable gap between how applications work now and how they should work for your organisation. Modernising your application landscape can help your organisation to transform from the inside out and get you back on track to client success. Download it here
You can reach out to me through various platforms.