
Aspnet Core

Cloud Foundry configuration with SteelToe

I’ve been playing around with the SteelToe framework for .net apps on Cloud Foundry a bit and it’s been nice overall (I’ll probably write a few more posts about it at some point 😊). While playing around with it the configuration part of it I wasn’t really liking the way settings can be read from the main configuration.

Let’s start with a really short primer on how the configuration system works. Cloud Foundry apps can be bound to services, doing so adds a reference to the bound service in the environment variables of the app that was bound. You can take a look at what is provided to an applications environment by running

Angular (5) and aspnet core (2) quickstart

Here is a get-up-and-go style post to get going with the angular CLI and aspnet core. Before we begin, there is a template you can use to set (most, if not more) of this up, but it’s good to know what is going on behind the curtains.

First things first.

You need some tools installed to get the base project set up.

  1. dotnet core SDK
  2. Node
  3. angular-cli which we’ll install using NPM.

Open a command prompt and run the following command: